United We Stand.
January seems such a long time ago. Cast your mind back to our first meeting when 350 local residents filled the hall at the Hamptons. So what’s happened in the last 7 months ?
The Save The Hamptons team of 12 volunteers has continued to stay focused (despite Covid’s best efforts) and have made some significant advances.
Our media team are running pages on Facebook and Twitter, while our website following is soaring and our mailing list continues to grows steadily (now just under 500). While Facebook and Twitter seem to be less popular with users now, our regular newsletters are growing in popularity. (sign up here). It has been important for us to be able to bring you breaking news concerning the illegal use of the venue as a Place of Worship (more here). We’d like to share with you just one weeks website traffic figures (page views).
It would of course been easy for us to plaster the campaign all over the internet using organisations with an axe to grind with Islam. This is not what this campaign is about. We respect the right to worship, however not at the expense of a vital community facility. This is a local issue, and we aim to focus our campaign on the views and rights of local residents. Be in no doubt that our campaign team is committed to resolving this issue, and is more than capable of taking on the task.
We’d also like thank the Great Baddow East Neighbourhood Association, who have allowed us space in their excellent magazine, which goes out to over 5,000 homes in Great Baddow.
Our team are in regular contact with the Planning Department at Chelmsford City Council (including the enforcement team), our ward councillors and the Information Commissioners Office (who are dealing with an appeal against CCC for failure to disclose).
There is also an application to the South Essex Parking Partnership to implement parking restrictions to the access roads leading to the Hamptons.
We will continue to monitor the situation at the Hampton’s and we will of course try to keep everyone informed of any developments. Thank you all for your continued support.