CMS Admit “They Can’t Control Worshippers”
So it’s week one of Ramadan, and the list of issues linked to use of the Hamptons Mosque continues to grow. It’s very obvious that the year on year growth of the numbers of worshippers using the mosque continues, which has exacerbated many of the existing issues.
Too Little Too Late
So just hours before Ramadan started on Monday, some additional travel and parking information went up on the Chelmsford Muslim Society Facebook page.
Residents are angry that these guideline/rules weren’t posted up weeks ago, so the attendees at least had a chance to see them. And let’s not forget that CMS have been talking to the city council and South Essex Parking Partnership about this very issue, for nearly 9 months.
Instructions ignored by worshippers
As we rather expected the travel instructions issued by CMS were just lip service to the whole “good neighbours” pretence. What we have seen first hand (and photographed) :
Worshippers parking on the estate, in the red zone, especially late arrivals
Marshals abandoning their posts to go and pray
No marshals assisting the exit of vehicles from the site
Cars sitting on the areas marked zone C and D, lights on and some with music blaring
Worshippers parking inconsiderately in residential streets outside the red zone.
The additional parking at Gt Baddow High has been largely empty
The Traffic Cones supplied by SEPP are being used to reserve parking spaces, and are not being deployed along both sides of the whole length of Tydemans.
Mud being deposited on the highway from the use of the grass verges
Creating dangerous road conditions
SEPP cones in the wrong place
Where the SEPP cones should be.
AYMAN ADMITS “WE can’t control worshippers”
Cutting quite a lonely figure in his hi vis, a group of residents spoke to Ayman Syed, Chairman of the Chelmsford Muslim Society. He admitted that we (CMS) can’t control where worshippers park, but cheerfully suggested that the parking plan was working, we beg to differ !
When questioned on the year on year growth of the mosque, and worshippers from outside of the area, he added that he can’t control that either. So much for this being a sports and leisure centre with “prayer facilities for local people” then !
But he did suggest that the estate might like to hand over the Tydemans Green, so they can pack in another 150 cars, making the local roads even more overloaded, and increasing the Ramadan disturbance for residents. But it’s not a mosque.
in your dreams ayman !