The Extremists On Your Doorstep Pt2
If you attended the Mosque Open Day recently, you might have noticed these display boards prominently positioned in the prayer areas. These are clearly marked IERA, the Islamic Education and Research Academy, which is headed up by Abdur Raheem Green
Islamic Education and Research Academy
IERA came to the attention of the Charity Commission in 2014. Here’s the inquiry report:
Inquiry report Islamic Education and Research Academy (IERA)
Raheem Green also attracted further media attention in 2016:
Islamic preacher who supports jihadi war speaks at London university | UK | News |
IERA were also the subject of a detailed investigation by the Council Of Ex Muslim Of Britain:
Suliman Gani (GHANI)
Once a regular visitor to the Iqra Learning Centre (run by CMS), Gani met with leaders of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in 2023 :
NHS trust wants to “better understand” why its chaplain met Taliban | National Secular Society
Joining Gani on the trip were several other controversial Imams, including Haitham Al Haddad, who recently visited and spoke at the Hamptons Mosque. READ MORE HERE
Suliman Gani at the Iqra Learning Centre in 2015 being filmed by the current chair of CMS
A charity supported by both the Iqra Learning Centre and CMS, who were struck of by the Charity Commission for financial mismanagement and for links to a volunteer aligned to a proscribed terrorist group.: Charity Inquiry: Aid Convoy - GOV.UK
British-born aid worker in Syria says citizenship loss 'unfair' - BBC News
At the time of the appeal, Aid Convoy, were currently under investigation by the Charity Commission, and CMS and the ILC had a duty of care to carry out due diligence with regard to it’s charity partners.
It’s not our intention to promote or create racial hatred, all of the information we publish is carefully checked and from reputable sources.
All of it is in the public domain, and we are not suggesting any degree of guilt by association, please make your own mind up.
But we are highlighting a shocking lack of diligence and risk assessment by the Chelmsford Muslim Society, in relation to the organisations it associates with, and the speakers it invites to the Hamptons Mosque.
the charity TrusteEs are failing in their duty