The Diversity Minefield.
You have to grow quite a thick skin to run a campaign like this. We’ve been called Nazis, right wing, scum, racists, gammon and Islamophobic. These terms are often bandied about to shut down open and honest discussion. Of course, you only have to read through our social media and website to see that none of these slurs apply to us !
We’ve never attacked or criticised Islam, and we could easily enlist the support of a number of right wing groups…..but we haven’t. This is a local planning issue, and nothing else.
One of our promotional signs, which was defaced. Free speech not welcome in Great Baddow then ?
We respect the right of the Muslim community to worship (or anyones right to worship). But we also respect the right of residents to live a peaceful and undisturbed life in their own homes. And we are passionate about the continued provision of a full sports and leisure facility at Hamptons. Our campaign is called Save The Hamptons not Stop The Hamptons Megamosque.
A better site for an Islamic Centre
If the Chelmsford Muslim Society found a better site and wanted to construct a purpose built mosque, we would not oppose it. But we will oppose any plans that shuts down vital sports and leisure facilities, in an area of Chelmsford that has no alternative and will undoubtedly cause considerable noise and disturbance to local residents. That does not make us Nazis, right wing, scum, racists, gammon or Islamophobic.
Dont be intimidated by cancel culture
It can be quite daunting to openly voice your support for us, this issue has divided local opinion much like Brexit. But we think back to our original meeting when nearly 300 of you turned out to voice your concerns, please stay strong to your convictions.
Posts like the one below are often posted on social media, to try and shut down discussion and engagement of the Hamptons issue.
A public post made in support of the failed CLEUD application.
considerable Local support
Our website receives close to 800 unique visitors every month and our mailing list is constant at around 500 subscribers, we know the support is out there and you are not part of a “vocal but tiny minority”.
The end of year stats from our website, not bad for a local campaign.
Our videos have been viewed over 11,000 times on YouTube, and our other social media platforms continue to be well supported.
Our objections on the use of Hamptons as a Place Of Worship, are based on planning principles, the impact on the local area and the loss of sports and leisure facilities, and not on a hatred of Islam. Much of the information we share with you, comes from our sources within the Muslim community.
National hate crime
Essex isn’t a hotbed of hate crime and Islamophobia (as CMS would have you believe), and a recent report from the House Of Commons shows Essex barely makes the top 10.
Home Office Hate Crime Stats 20/21
We’ve seen the comment “you wouldn’t be objecting if it was a church” used over and over. Actually we would, especially if the church had the potential to cause substantial noise and disturbance to the residential amenity, and shut down vital sports and leisure facilities.
who’s side are the local councillors on ?
We deplore the position of our local councillors. Their job is to listen and engage with all local residents with an open mind. Elected councillors follow a code of conduct which instructs them to exercise their own independent judgement, taking decisions for good and substantial reasons by attaching appropriate weight to all relevant considerations including, where appropriate, public opinion and the views of political groups. We’ve no interest in pro diversity politics, this is about a local facility and residents rights.
We will continue to campaign, this battle is far from over. Save The Hamptons will give voice to the genuine concerns of local residents, even if our elected councillors will not.