The Hamptons Mosque And The Lib Dems
Our campaign now begins it’s fourth year, and the one consistent thing about it is, the almost total lack of support for residents, from our local Lib Dem councillors.
A Promising Start
At our first public meeting in 2020 (report here), we were quite hopeful the city council (represented by Great Baddow councillor Sue Young), would fairly apply the planning regulations and enforcement, we were promised by Cllr Young.
But that turned out to be as believable as Ayman Syed’s claims that “we don’t plan to change very much” and “we are committed to offering health and fitness facilities which serve the whole community, regardless of faith”
A True Barometer Of Local Feeling
The fact that over 300 locals turned out for our first meeting, and a similar number for our second public meeting at the United Reform Church, should have alerted the five local Lib Dem councillors that their input would be required to diffuse local anger, and to play a role in protecting the sports and leisure uses at Hamptons. Instead they chose to actively support the conversion of Hamptons to a Place Of Worship.
Active Assistance From The Lib Dems
As part of one of our first Freedom of Information requests in 2020 , we discovered that the Chelmsford Muslim Society had received assistance from a Lib Dem member of the Planning Committee. Cllr Graham Pooley.
In an email from Ayman Syed (CMS) to Town Planning, he revealed that Cllr Pooley had been reviewing some plans for the future use of Hamptons, and had made a number of helpful suggestions. All highly inappropriate for a member of the planning committee, who might have to vote to approve or refuse the very same plans in the future.
We of course complained, but as usual the City Council stonewalled the complaint, and Cllr Pooley developed a terrible case of amnesia.
Given the way that the whole Hamptons debacle has played out behind closed doors, we find this quite amusing.
“champion resident’s rights to be heard on planning matters, as well as condemning planning decisions taken behind closed doors”
Big Brother (And Sister) Is Watching You !
And it doesn’t stop with Cllr Pooley. In February 2021, we reported that a Lib Dem Councillor (from Great Baddow West) had been screenshotting residents comments about Hamptons from social media, and reporting them back to the leader of the Lib Dems. Those personal comments are now stored on the City Council computer system.
This crosses the line in terms of unauthorised surveillance and breaches data protection and human rights statutes. We did report this this to the council, but sadly it was dealt with by the same officer who stonewalls all of our complaints.
Oh No, Not You As Well Cllr Robinson !
In April 2022, we delivered thousands of leaflets to local residents to let them know about planned developments at Hamptons to add ritual ablutions, funeral and body storage facilities, and kit out the members bar as a mosque,.
In a touching show of support, Cllr Robinson vowed that the council “resist any attempt to sow division and discord in our community”. Discord and division Councillor ? We call it “telling the truth”.
And speaking of discord and division, the silence from the Lib Dems about the openly homophobic, misogynistic and anti-western Imam running the Makarim Academy at Hamptons has been deafening. Now there’s proper division and discord Councillor !
In July of 2021, CMS submitted an application for a Certificate of Lawful Existing Use and Development. The submitted “evidence” by members of staff from Hamptons, and the then chair of CMS at the time, in our opinion was a a complete fabrication.
Now, the five Lib Dem councillors for Great Baddow would have read the “evidence”, and you’d think they would submit some kind of statement or comment pointing out the errors, They were in possession of information that would’ve assisted officers in their determination. But they didn’t, they said nothing !!
The Parish Council were also consulted about the CLEUD application, and local residents attended the Parish Council Planning Committee meeting, where the chair , Cllr Andrew Sosin (Lib Dem) shut down any discussion, and decided that the Parish Council comment on the application would be :
”The Parish Council considered the application and supporting documentation to be complete and will await the legal determination of this application”,
How very helpful Councillors , and not really in the spirit of the guidelines on Probity In Planning for local authorities which states; “holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias”. Perhaps we should send a few copies of the guidance to the Great Baddow Lib Dems.
Grumpy Sue And The Muslim Guys
In a document we obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, we discovered this email from council officers:
So Cllr Young continues to communicate with Ayman Syed from CMS about Hamptons, but has made no attempt in three years to talk to local residents (or us) to listen to what residents think or want from Hamptons. How very proactive Cllr Young !
And let’s not forget the cafe
In March 2022. the Lib Dems promoted the new cafe at Hamptons in their email newsletter. It does seem very unfair, that they promote this business, and not any other cafes locally.
It’s a good job that the Lib Dem councillors have neem popping in to the new business, or there would have been no one at the Coffee with Cops events at Caffe Marconi.
The funniest point of all is the the “open to all” comment in the Lib Dem endorsement. Given the segregated uses in operation, and further use of the cafe for, or in connection with public worship or religious education”, it’s not really “open to all” is it councillors ?
Why Are the Lib Dems So Supportive Of The Hamptons Mosque ?
The Lib Dems claim to have “achieved amazing things politically standing up for what’s right”, but it’s clear that they are prepared to throw the sports and leisure centre under the bus, to keep the Muslim community happy, and secure their votes in May 2023.
This is the same party that promotes “street level community politics and a deep commitment to empowerment - means that representing and listening to everyone, from every social identity group is vital for us”.
Unless you are a local resident objecting about the complaining about the blatant flouting of the planning regulations, or the loss of vital sports and leisure facilities:
in which case the lib dems will just ignore you. and label you a racist !