The "Community Centre" That Hides It's Activities

What community activities actually take place at Hamptons ? No one outside of the Hamptons management circle actually knows, and pretty much all of the activities related to worship are now discussed in secret WhatsApp or Telegram groups with strictly controlled access.

It’s been years (literally) since anything resembling a timetable of activities was publicly posted by Hamptons. Even when the planning enforcement team sent through a legally compelling request for information, CMS wouldn’t supply anything other than the opening hours.

Hamptons On Facebook

And you only have to take a quick look at Facebook, to see that nothing is being advertised, in fact the last event open to the “whole community” was posted on 1st November 2024, 3 months ago.

Even when someone asks a question about activities, Hamptons don’t want to answer in public.

Why not just answer the question ?

But pop on over to the Chelmsford Muslim Society Facebook page:

Would these sports and educational activities not be of interest to the whole community ? And why are they only advertised on the CMS Facebook page, and not Hamptons ?

The Hamptons Website

Still a source of amusement for our team, full of errors and awful typos like this one:

But most importantly, would you not have an up to date timetable of activities to advertise your business, and attract customers ?

Even the information that is there, is out of date. There are now only two squash courts, one having been converted to a segregated gym that no one uses. and there are plans to use two of the tennis courts for 5 a side football. And the public Badminton session on Friday now seems to be a Muslim only session run by CMS.

But again we have to ask why the why the events we highlighted earlier, aren’t on the Hamptons website, but they are on the CMS website:

Taken from the CMS website

And just to clarify

Hamptons is allegedly operated by Hamptons Sports and Leisure Ltd, although it’s two directors are also trustees of the Chelmsford Muslim Society. So in reality CMS manage Hamptons Sports And Leisure Ltd, for the benefit of a sole shareholder, who just happens to be CMS.

While Hamptons always claimed that the Chelmsford Muslim Society pays for it’s room hire, we’d challenge them to prove that. And if CMS doesn’t operate Hamptons as they always claim , would it not seem a little odd that the CMS website has a page titled “Hire Our Spaces” which refers to Hamptons.

But at least they admit that the Chelmsford Muslim Society gets a special rate for any hire, and if it is a community centre as claimed, and not a mosque;

THAT would be discrimination my friends