This Won’t Affect Me
If only that were true.
Many people in and around Great Baddow will be forgiven for thinking the current illegal mosque at the Hampton’s will not affect them, but how true is that?
Please remember that we are in a period where the Covid lockdown affects everything, and what’s happening at present at the Hamptons really doesn’t have much impact on local residents and club users. But that will not last forever.
There are two linked issues here:-
The current illegal use of the Hamptons as a Place of Worship
The long term plans for the club
Going forward, if the illegal mosque is allowed to continue (and becomes established), the chances of formal planning permission being granted increase. Chelmsford City Council have ruled that use as a Place of Worship will need planning permission, but have declined to attempt any enforcement action.
In all of the evidence we’ve uncovered, the long term plans for this venue are very clear (read them here). This could become the largest mosque and Islamic Centre in Essex. At present no formal planning permission has been submitted.
what residents can Look forward to
For Friday prayers the figure of 300 worshipers (post Covid) has been consistantly quoted by the Chelmsford Muslim Society (with daily prayers attracting 30 worshipers up to five times a day) and during Ramadan you can double that number. Add to that two Eid celebrations (which would attract 1,000 worshipers), and suddenly the impact will begin to dawn on you.
This photo was taken by a local resident (in Tydemans) last year. We estimate that only about 300 people were in the Hamptons for a social function (the same number quoted for weekly Fridays prayers). The car park was full.
The club has just 98 car parking spaces, and the public open space (the grass) will soon not be available for parking.
So, where will worshipers park ? Not Tydemans (which will soon have double yellows). If you live in the Ridings, Monfort Drive, Dorset Ave, Lambourne Chase, Pearl Square, Ruby Link or Apple Way you may be in for a rude awakening (especially at 4.30am during Ramadan).
The large scale disruption residents have occasionally seen in the past at Hamptons could become a regular and weekly occurrence once this pandemic ends. Don’t forget that many of these roads are narrow and difficult for emergency vehicles to access during normal conditions, add 600 or 700 cars (during Eid) and you can imagine the problems. And don’t forget the increase in traffic, noise and disruption around the village.
Trying to sell your property ?
There is also the very real financial impact this will have on property prices. We already have been notified by a resident who is trying to sell in the immediate vicinity. They have had two buyers withdraw after the survey stage, and were specifically told it's because of the uncertainty over the potential mosque at the Hamptons.
In terms of the potential impact on club users, tennis and squash will not be affected (unless the tennis courts are eventually sacrificed to create more parking). The very popular Friday Tea Dance, probably will have to change it’s slot (clashes with Friday prayers) , and if the main hall and dance studio are carpeted for prayer, no one will be dancing there. With no alcohol licence or caterers it’s unlikely any bookings for social functions will be happening in the future. The Marconi Veterans Association have already been forced out, the very people who’s families contributed and supported the social club for over 50 years.
It’s unclear at this point what community space would remain for rental (and what the rules for use would be). Many Islamic centres have very strict rules about rental and dress codes, some do not allow music.
We have no issue with the right to worship, but an Islamic centre and mosque would be too big and too near to a large number of residential properties. Great Baddow really needs more community rental space for it’s residents, not less !
Once permission (formal or informal) is granted by the council, there’s no way back. Act now to ensure your local council do not try to bypass the democratic planning process.
Please contact your local councillor to let them know your opinion on this issue here.
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