May 2020 Campaign Update.

We hope that you are all keeping safe and well and coping with these difficult times. 

It has now been six weeks since the Government introduced social distancing measures and enforced closure of non-essential businesses. This included the closure of Hamptons Sports & Leisure Centre. We would like to take this opportunity to update you on our campaign.

A brief recap

Within a short space of time after completion of the sale on 14th February, the new owners closed the bars, and served notices to quit to both The European Buddhist Hamni Association and another long term tenant of Hamptons that had brought in a regular rental income for many years. The room rental terms and rates were changed, and some business users were told that regular slots could not be pre booked. More on the history of the sale and the owners can be found here.


Prior to the Covid-19 restrictions, the owners announced at a staff meeting that all employees would be subject to redundancy consultations. This process is now underway, with staff being offered the opportunity to reapply for similar positions on what appear to be less favourable terms.


As the lockdown continued, the Chelmsford Muslim Society have updated their crowdfunding pages, set up initially to fund the purchase but are now requesting further donations to the Charity. These are to fund an immediate £280k Islamic loan repayment, and their proposed changes to Hamptons (the commercial business), including  the carpeting of prayer rooms and the conversion of spaces to accommodate ritual washing (Wudu) and body preparation (Ghusl).

Meanwhile on social media, despite the full closure of the centre, members were asked if they could continue to make their membership payments, promising that the business would remain as Hamptons Sports & Leisure.

We understand that the opening hours will change to evenings and weekends only at first, which immediately excludes the corporate and social daytime groups that previously used the centre and generate income. This will seriously affect the long term sustainability of the business.


The building does not currently have planning consent to be used as a Place of Worship. To date, no Change Of Use planning application has been submitted. Our Freedom Of Information requests reveal Chelmsford City Council have contacted CMS on more than one occasion, requesting further information regarding the intended use, with a view to assessing if Change Of Use consent is required.  

A further Freedom Of Information request  (regarding the building use class) is at an investigation stage with the Information Commissioner’s Office, following Chelmsford City Council’s refusal to release the information requested, claiming that it is not in the public interest to do so (and hiding behind legal privilege).


Whilst the lockdown continues, we remain committed to ensuring that this historical community facility is not lost forever. Please stay in touch via our social media platforms or sign up for our monthly newsletter